Tantasqua Junior High School » Athletics


Athletics Information
Athletic Director
Matthew Guertin

Fall Sports 2024-2025 Tryouts Schedule (below)

Cross Country  Tryouts
Sept 3rd, 4th and 5th  
Sept 3, All 2:00-3:15
Sept 4 All 2:00-3:15
Sept 5 All 2:00-3:15 selection day if needed
Boys & Girls Soccer tryouts 
Sept 3rd, 4th and 5th  
Sept 3- 8th grade only 2:00-4:45
Sept 4- 7th grade only 2:00-4:45
Sept 5- 7 & 8 grade 2:00-4:45 team selection All grades
Field Hockey Tryouts 
Sept 3rd, 4th and 5th  
Sept 3-  2:00-4:45 All grades
Sept 4-  2:00-4:45 All grades
Sept 5-  2:00-4:45 team selection All grades
All candidates will need to complete the Fall Sports registration on Family ID prior to being allowed to tryout. The link is above. A current physical will need to be uploaded, along with the concussion signoff to be eligible for tryouts/participation. Students are unable to tryout without an up to date physical within 13 months.